Gearing up for the Farmers Market Season

By Cia Morey Last week I attended the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s (MDA) Maryland Farmers Market Conference held at the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. There were three tracks of workshops offered: Market Management 101 for new markets and folks...

There is green in them there woods!

One of the best kept secrets in Maryland is the economic value of its forestland. According to the Department of Natural Resources, there are 2.6 million acres of forest in the state and most of us have not begun to utilize their economic potential or explored how...

Will you need to insure your workers?

By Mindy Waite On January 28th, SMADC held a public forum for farmers and local insurance and Affordable Care Act (ACA) experts to discuss insurance implications for Maryland farmers. Panelists said that the Affordable Care Act goes into effect on January 1, 2014 and...

Farm succession plans needed, now more than ever

In August 2012, I posted a discussion “Family farm successions and transitions” which highlights what I learned from the Farm Link and Transition Pilot Workshop held in Virginia. Last week, I had the opportunity to hear another excellent presentation on...