Beginning farmer workshop features options and successes

For most new Maryland farmers today, farming is a choice, not an expectation as it was in centuries past. There are many career options in this semi-urban state that typically has lower than average unemployment rates. New farmers are drawn to the land to grow healthy...

So what are Maryland farmland seekers looking for?

Each month, Maryland FarmLINK membership increases by a couple of dozen new members, most who are looking for farmland. What are they seeking? To begin to understand that question, I reviewed the information submitted by new Maryland FarmLINK members for the last...

Is bee colony collapse the next dust bowl, only bigger?

Once a trend gets established, it is hard to get people to heed to warning signs. In the early 1930s, farmers in  portions of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas  had noticed parched soils, dust and declining productivity caused by a low rainfall and...