A farm region without farmers?

What would it be like to be a farm region without farmers? A friend of mine recently directed me to a Tedx YouTube video of this dynamic young farmer, Lindsey Lusher Shute, who happens to be the Executive Director of the National Young Farmers Coalition.  In her...

Changing the way we lease land in Maryland

I have a relative who has ‘leased’ the farm to the same farmer for decades. In fact, there is no written lease. The agreement was a result of a handshake. Over that time, the fee per acre has not changed and the verbal agreement has been renewed every fall...

The year to preserve your land

Despite the fact that it has the fifth highest population density, Maryland is known nationally for its local and state land preservation programs. For its size, it has preserved the most land of any state. However, the rate of land preservation has slowed due to the...