Growing “community” at the Food Council meet-up!

With all the methods of communication available to use today, one would think that we are well-connected. Not so! I suspect that our rural country stores a century ago provided a better opportunity for meeting and communicating with a broader range of community...

Saving Farming, not just farmland – Part 2

Last week, I wrote that I would be attending the 2014 Maryland Land Preservation Conference and I promised to write a followup as a result of the session. The trip gave me the opportunity to visit one of my favorite Maryland towns (Frederick) and to accept an...

Scaling up to meet the demand for local food in Maryland

Recently, you may have seen a number of posts from me about food hubs and the growth potential for local farm-to-table farmers. I guess that others have the same thought in mind. At the Future Harvest CASA conference last week, there was standing-room only for a...

Locally sourced food is a trend, not a fad!

Many people have dismissed the local food movement as a fad that will soon pass, saying that there are too many challenges for small and medium sized Maryland farmers to compete in the global economy. That opinion might change as more local, regional, and national...