START Farmers’ Network visits Monnett Farms!

When Benson and Jamie Tiralla moved onto Benson’s family farm in 2007, the land had laid idle for a decade and a half.  Like most farms in the region, Monnett Farms had been a tobacco farm, though some livestock had been raised as well. Monnett Farms was in need of a...

2012 Ag Census – measuring the local food movement

As mentioned previously in this blog, both the National Restaurant Association and the National Grocers Association have identified the desire for local food as one of the strongest consumer trends. How is Maryland doing? The short answer is that we are making...

Put a cherry on it!

Vacationing here near Lake Michigan, it is easy to eat local. Grocery stores sell milk from local farms (grass fed and antibiotic free). Bread is locally sourced, some of it from organic grain farms. There are lots of greens in the local stores and farmers markets....

For farm sales, no web page is like . . .no phone!

Those who know Ginger Myers know that she is engaging and knowledgeable, but no nonsense. At the Producer’s Digital Toolbox class in Prince Frederick on April 15th, she noted that farmers who sell a product directly to consumers really need a website, and that...

The new Farm Bill: how will it affect Maryland farmers?

Over the last few years, we have not been used to compromise in Congress. However, the new Farm Bill represents a good show of bipartisanship and it holds new opportunities for farmers in Maryland. Most farm groups across the country appear to support the Bill. In an...

Scaling up to meet the demand for local food in Maryland

Recently, you may have seen a number of posts from me about food hubs and the growth potential for local farm-to-table farmers. I guess that others have the same thought in mind. At the Future Harvest CASA conference last week, there was standing-room only for a...