A Pilgrimage to Polyface

Written by SMADC Intern Mark Dattilio. “Alright, everybody on the wagons! The tour is about to start and we have a lot to see”. I was as giddy as a school girl. I couldn’t get this stupid, ear-to-ear grin off my face. Meeting Joel Salatin, a man whom I had come to...

A stroll through the North Beach Farmers Market

Last week, my wife mentioned that we should go to the North Beach Farmers Market. She reminded me again on Friday when I got home from work, which meant this was something she really wanted to do. I enjoy farmers markets, but it is hard to get me out of the garden on...

Slow money

I must confess that when I first heard about ‘slow money’, I was not impressed and only mildly curious. It does not sound particularly appealing or make fiscal sense. If ‘slow money’ is an investment philosophy, why would anyone chose it? I discovered that the answer...

Challenges for new farmers

Last week, we discussed who will be our new farmers. In short, we concluded that they will be a more diverse group than those retiring. There will be more women. They will operate smaller farms. More will have off-farm employment. Most will not have grown up on a...

Who will be our new farmers?

Last week, we discussed the need for new farmers. Not only are we seeing a greater market for locally sourced foods, but a high percentage of farmers are already at retirement age and there are 6 times more farmers over 65 years of age than those who are less than 35....