Where will they farm?

In previous posts, we have shared information about the renewed interest in farming and reported that approximately 78% of new farmers did not grow up on a farm. We also mentioned the need for more new farmers, with the number of farmers retiring and increasing demand...

Why I broke my Buy Local Challenge pledge!

When he presented the Buy Local Challenge resolution last week, Governor O’Malley noted that maybe the bar should be set a little higher. The Pledge currently reads “I pledge to eat at least one thing from a local farm every day during Buy Local Week!” I...

Eating our way into a better economy!

As the Buy Local Challenge is about to begin this Saturday (July 21st), it might be good to reflect on the importance of buying locally grown food. Of course, vegetables and fruits raised and harvested within a few miles of your door tend to be fresher and taste...

Ready for organic?

I grew up during the time that farmers were just embracing the power of commercial fertilizer. After World War II, munitions plants were converted into fertilizer plants, which pulled nitrogen from the air to produce  ammonium nitrate fertilizer that greatly increased...