Farmers’ Market Surveyor Connects the Dots!

By Mark Dattilio, SMADC Intern It’s day break on a Saturday morning and I pull into a parking lot on the corner of Riva Road and Harry S. Truman Parkway in Annapolis, MD. While most individuals are still in bed, I found myself fortunate to be part of a select few who...

Why is it that every new farm enterprise I want to do is illegal?

When they read the title of Joel Salatin’s book, Everything I want to do is illegal, farmers often give a knowing smile. Stories like the legal battles over Prigel Family Creamery in Baltimore County raise concerns in the farming community that Maryland is not...

Family farm successions and transitions

There is more than one way to look at what is fair! That is a conclusion that a farmer made at the Farm Link and Transition Pilot Workshop held in Virginia two weeks ago when reflecting on the way that his great-grandfather had divided his farm. His great-grandfather...

With disdain for the 10,000-mile diet

In a recent Farm Forum post on Maryland FarmLINK, I mentioned  a new book “The Locavore’s Dilemma: In Praise of the 10,000-Mile Diet” which dismissed the local food movement as an upper middle class food movement. Of course, the book’s title is intended to...