Farming: It’s a Wonderful Life!

This Christmas eve, NBC once again showed Frank Capra’s 1946 movie It’s a Wonderful Life. It blew away the competition with the largest audience in years. For the few who haven’t seen it, the movie setting is the 1920’s through the 1940’s and it is about a fictional...

Will weather dominate farming news in 2013? Be Prepared.

On NPR’s Morning Edition today, I was assured by Mayan expert David Stuart that the world will not end tomorrow. Therefore, I have proceeded with the preparation of this week’s blog. According to a survey by the Huffington Post earlier this year, one in...

For new farmers, there is nothing like a mentor

When I was growing up on our family farm, I marveled at how my father knew when the land was too wet to till, when the crop was ready to be harvested, and what to do when the tractor would not start. “Experience is the best teacher” is a phrase we often hear. We can...

Better than a sweater!

In the classic holiday movie Miracle on 34th Street, Alfred says to Santa “Yeah, there’s a lot of bad ‘isms’ floatin’ around this world, but one of the worst is commercialism. Make a buck, make a buck. Even in Brooklyn it’s the same...

Local Meat – staying ahead of consumer expectations

Written by Susan McQuilkin In May 2012, at a meeting of the Southern Maryland Meats (SMM) livestock producers, Dr. Tom Hartsock, retired Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland, spoke to the attentive audience of producers who had gathered to discuss...