Hub and Spoke: good for farmers and good for families in need!

by Mindy Waite We all know that living in Maryland isn’t cheap; cost of living calculators generally rank the state within the top 10-15 most expensive states. In fact, a 2012 study by the Maryland Community Action Partnership suggested that a family of four (two...

Taking locally-sourced food to the next level in Maryland

In the last decade, Maryland has made progress in the locally-sourced food movement. Farmers markets have been popping up everywhere. The number of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms has been growing. Livestock producers have started selling locally. Wine...

Hub and Spoke Program is Heaven on Earth

Church leaders often take on many wonderful programs to help those in need in their communities. However, their congregations are engaged in so many things these days, that it is sometimes difficult to convince enough helpers to pull off a service project. At this...

Feeding body, mind and soul at Serenity Farm

In my lifetime, most families in America have lost their connection with the land, even those of us who live on a farm. Farms have gone from highly diversified to highly specialized–producing only a few crops. Most U.S. families no longer freeze or can food. We...

Crowdfunding a new agricultural enterprise

Are you ready to crowdfund that new cattle barn you have been thinking about or the new equipment needed for your organic vegetable operation? In tight fiscal times, entrepreneurs are using creative methods to finance their new enterprises. Research firm Massolution...

Recruiting new Maryland farmers – part 3

In the first series post, I described marketing and climatic advantages that make Maryland an attractive location for new agricultural ventures. In last week’s post, I highlighted land preservation and regulatory efforts to support farming. A few tough issues...