Will hedge fund managers make good farmers?

In a recent article in the New York Times, Cash Crops With Dividends: Financiers Transforming Strawberries Into Securities, Alexandra Stevenson wrote about the hedge funds’ interest in farmland purchase. Hedge funds have already been eyeing farmland with purchases in...

Challenges for new farmers

Last week, we discussed who will be our new farmers. In short, we concluded that they will be a more diverse group than those retiring. There will be more women. They will operate smaller farms. More will have off-farm employment. Most will not have grown up on a...

The call for new farmers

Never have we experienced this situation before- a shortage of farmers! In a 1787 letter to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will, in the end, contribute most to real wealth, good morals and...

Sending our food dollars out of the region

It may come as little surprise to folks in Southern Maryland that most of our food is not grown locally. But does the number 99.76% surprise you? In the five county region that makes up the Southern Maryland Agriculture Development Commission (Anne Arundel, Calvert,...