Like Southern Maryland, the money crop of the farm belt in Southwestern Virginia was tobacco. This region is located far from major consumer markets, but that didn’t matter. Tobacco is a commodity that has a long shelf life and travels easily. Like Southern Maryland,...
When they read the title of Joel Salatin’s book, Everything I want to do is illegal, farmers often give a knowing smile. Stories like the legal battles over Prigel Family Creamery in Baltimore County raise concerns in the farming community that Maryland is not...
In previous posts, we have shared information about the renewed interest in farming and reported that approximately 78% of new farmers did not grow up on a farm. We also mentioned the need for more new farmers, with the number of farmers retiring and increasing demand...
When he presented the Buy Local Challenge resolution last week, Governor O’Malley noted that maybe the bar should be set a little higher. The Pledge currently reads “I pledge to eat at least one thing from a local farm every day during Buy Local Week!” I...
Last June, I retired from my job of 32 years and took the summer off to enjoy gardening. As a “foodie” and charter member of Calvert Eats Local, I decided to take the Buy Local Challenge in July. However, I took a radical approach to the Challenge! The Buy Local...
Written by SMADC Intern Mark Dattilio. “Alright, everybody on the wagons! The tour is about to start and we have a lot to see”. I was as giddy as a school girl. I couldn’t get this stupid, ear-to-ear grin off my face. Meeting Joel Salatin, a man whom I had come to...