Water supply options for farmers in Maryland

On a recent post on Maryland FarmLINK’s Farm Forum page, a new farmer indicated that he was looking  for five acres of pasture to lease. Replies to that post raised a discussion about water supply. Vegetable farmers and meat producers have always needed a secure water...

New Morning Farm’s approach to apprentices

New Morning Farm, one of the top farmers’ market producers in the region, started out very small. In fact, the owners, Jim and Moie Crawford, began in 1972 by just selling vegetables from local farms to Washington D.C. farmers markets. They were good at it. The...

Young college grad becoming a farm apprentice

By Mark Dattilio Six a.m., the alarm goes off. It’s still dark. I left the windows open last night and the loft is filled with a cool breeze and the sounds of waking birds and beasts. I turn on NPR, the only news channel that comes in on the radio, and start brewing a...

Food hubs increase farm prosperity

Like Southern Maryland, the money crop of the farm belt in Southwestern Virginia was tobacco. This region is located far from major consumer markets, but that didn’t matter. Tobacco is a commodity that has a long shelf life and travels easily. Like Southern Maryland,...

Why is it that every new farm enterprise I want to do is illegal?

When they read the title of Joel Salatin’s book, Everything I want to do is illegal, farmers often give a knowing smile. Stories like the legal battles over Prigel Family Creamery in Baltimore County raise concerns in the farming community that Maryland is not...

Family farm successions and transitions

There is more than one way to look at what is fair! That is a conclusion that a farmer made at the Farm Link and Transition Pilot Workshop held in Virginia two weeks ago when reflecting on the way that his great-grandfather had divided his farm. His great-grandfather...