Knowledge does not automatically result in action. We know we should not eat certain foods. We know we should exercise more. And yet often we are not motivated to do what our brain tells us we should do. On the other hand, we are sometimes motivated to do things that...
Each year, the American Planning Association holds its annual conference in a different city. Having heard of the work of several urban farming groups in Chicago and nearby Milwaukee, I perused the conference program in the hope that it would include sessions in local...
A new survey compares states in their commitment to raising and eating locally grown food. Vermont ranks #1 and Maryland ranks #39. The survey uses data from government sources (principally USDA and US Census data) from 2010 and 2011. The Locavore Index measures the...
The 2012 Census of Agriculture won’t be released for some time, and it has been six years since the 2007 Census of Agriculture was issued, so those of us who are supporting local agriculture initiatives are dying to get our hands on current information about new...
By Cia Morey Last week I attended the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s (MDA) Maryland Farmers Market Conference held at the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. There were three tracks of workshops offered: Market Management 101 for new markets and folks...
In August 2012, I posted a discussion “Family farm successions and transitions” which highlights what I learned from the Farm Link and Transition Pilot Workshop held in Virginia. Last week, I had the opportunity to hear another excellent presentation on...