Walking-the-walk toward a new ag economy

A new survey compares states in their commitment to raising and eating locally grown food. Vermont ranks #1 and Maryland ranks #39. The survey uses data from government sources (principally USDA and US Census data) from 2010 and 2011. The Locavore Index measures the...

Sprawl hurts us all

The Great Recession of 2007 left millions unemployed. It drained retirement plans and  crippled our economy, especially the housing industry. I am glad to see signs that the housing industry is recovering. I hope that this time, its success will not come at the cost...

A clearer picture of our beginning farmers

The 2012 Census of Agriculture won’t be released for some time, and it has been six years since the 2007 Census of Agriculture was issued, so those of us who are supporting local agriculture initiatives are dying to get our hands on current information about new...

Handling food. . .are harmonized GAPs in your future?

Written by Susan McQuilkin On a grey rainy afternoon in January the sunny colors of Wegmans’ produce department at the recently opened Columbia store were a welcome relief. SMADC staff along with other industry representatives and producers from around Maryland had...

FDA’s new food safety standards

Those who have read Joel Salatin’s books, especially Everything I Want to Do is Illegal, are well aware that he has a strong aversion to government regulation of food production. However, in his most recent tome, Folks, This Ain’t Normal he reluctantly acknowledged...

Will weather dominate farming news in 2013? Be Prepared.

On NPR’s Morning Edition today, I was assured by Mayan expert David Stuart that the world will not end tomorrow. Therefore, I have proceeded with the preparation of this week’s blog. According to a survey by the Huffington Post earlier this year, one in...