Many people have dismissed the local food movement as a fad that will soon pass, saying that there are too many challenges for small and medium sized Maryland farmers to compete in the global economy. That opinion might change as more local, regional, and national...
Despite their orneriness, farmers tend to be an optimistic crew. That is why they plant crops each spring even after a couple of years of drought. They solve problems. They adapt. For the last five years, most fruit and vegetable producers have been working with the...
In my lifetime, most families in America have lost their connection with the land, even those of us who live on a farm. Farms have gone from highly diversified to highly specialized–producing only a few crops. Most U.S. families no longer freeze or can food. We...
Those who have read Joel Salatin’s books, especially Everything I Want to Do is Illegal, are well aware that he has a strong aversion to government regulation of food production. However, in his most recent tome, Folks, This Ain’t Normal he reluctantly acknowledged...