It is time to look at a Southern Maryland food hub

By Mindy Waite When the average American thinks about farming, they see picturesque fields, relaxed farmers picking baskets of fresh food, and happy customers browsing at farmers markets. They probably don’t see the amount of time and effort that goes into selling at...

Making the purchase of local foods an “act of affection”.

Knowledge does not automatically result in action. We know we should not eat certain foods. We know we should exercise more. And yet often we are not motivated to do what our brain tells us we should do. On the other hand, we are sometimes motivated to do things that...

Walking-the-walk toward a new ag economy

A new survey compares states in their commitment to raising and eating locally grown food. Vermont ranks #1 and Maryland ranks #39. The survey uses data from government sources (principally USDA and US Census data) from 2010 and 2011. The Locavore Index measures the...

Local Meat – staying ahead of consumer expectations

Written by Susan McQuilkin In May 2012, at a meeting of the Southern Maryland Meats (SMM) livestock producers, Dr. Tom Hartsock, retired Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland, spoke to the attentive audience of producers who had gathered to discuss...