Initial dryland rice research in Maryland, proving to be promising & profitable
It is not uncommon for Maryland farmer Heinz Thomet to go against the grain and grow different and...
Tomorrow’s Harvest: Beginning farmers share their stories
SMADC has launched a new webpage called Tomorrow’s Harvest showcasing a series of stories about...
Interview: Chesapeake’s Bounty Part 2, Mix’n’Match and Food Forests
As part of the weekly blog post series, Maryland FarmLINK occasionally features an interview with...
Interview: Chesapeake’s Bounty Part 1, Sourcing Regional Foods
As part of the weekly blog post series, Maryland FarmLINK occasionally features an interview with...
Maryland FarmLINK continues to gain ground building connections for the region
As we move into fall, it marks a good time to look back and reflect, as Maryland FarmLINK just...
Agricultural preservation in Southern Maryland
Fast-forward 14 years, and you see the outcomes from the quote above happening in Southern...
County fairs, an important reminder of agricultural roots
County fairs featuring local agriculture first came about in the U.S. in the 1800's....
Interview: Farmer, Susie Hance-Wells, Part 2
The first interview is with Susie Hance-Wells of Taney Place farm in Calvert County. The farm...
Interview: Farmer, Susie Hance-Wells, Part 1
As part of this blog, Maryland FarmLINK/SMADC will feature occasional interviews with a farmer or...