Crop hopping through St. Mary’s County!
In need of exercise this weekend? Try a five, thirteen, twenty-nine, or sixty-two mile Crop Hop...
Planning for a healthy local food system
Last week, the Maryland Department of Planning held the first Maryland Symposium on Planning and...
Young college grad becoming a farm apprentice
By Mark Dattilio Six a.m., the alarm goes off. It’s still dark. I left the windows open last night...
Food hubs increase farm prosperity
Like Southern Maryland, the money crop of the farm belt in Southwestern Virginia was tobacco. This...
Farmers’ Market Surveyor Connects the Dots!
By Mark Dattilio, SMADC Intern It’s day break on a Saturday morning and I pull into a parking lot...
Afraid when there are not food health regulations . . . and sometimes afraid when there are!
When we went to Portugal in 1982, we were told not to drink the water and not to eat certain...
Why is it that every new farm enterprise I want to do is illegal?
When they read the title of Joel Salatin's book, Everything I want to do is illegal, farmers often...
Family farm successions and transitions
There is more than one way to look at what is fair! That is a conclusion that a farmer made at the...
With disdain for the 10,000-mile diet
In a recent Farm Forum post on Maryland FarmLINK, I mentioned a new book "The Locavore’s Dilemma:...