The Organic Vegetable Twilight Tour focused on weed management, tillage, beneficials, etc.
It is rare for August to serve up days as pretty as the 15th. The Twilight Tour was a great...
Farm labor availability — how will it impact the future of Maryland farming?
A farmer recently contacted me about using Maryland FarmLINK to post the need for a farm worker. I...
Twilight Vegetable Tour on a Mennonite farm
The St. Mary's County Twilight Vegetable Tour proved to be a horticultural and cultural learning...
What is your farm story?
Recently, I suggested in a Facebook post that farmers should take their cameras to work this time...
So what are Maryland farmland seekers looking for?
Each month, Maryland FarmLINK membership increases by a couple of dozen new members, most who are...
Will the future of Maryland agriculture be dominated by robots and drones?
Two articles came through my twitter feed Tuesday describing widely disparate views about the role...
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Locally-Sourced Ice Cream!
By: Mindy Waite I recently learned that July is National Ice Cream Month and July 21st is National...
Am I at risk if recreation seekers, including hunters, enter my property?
Maryland is America in miniature from its rugged mountains, to its fertile valleys and coastal...
Is bee colony collapse the next dust bowl, only bigger?
Once a trend gets established, it is hard to get people to heed to warning signs. In the early...