Is America ready for “share-farm”?

We have all seen the trend toward larger farms, especially for commodity crops, dairy and large-scale poultry operations. Closely related to that trend is the loss of younger farmers, particularly in the types of farm sectors that require major investments to start....

Buy Local Challenge Week continues to grow customers!

Seven years ago, it started as a way to create markets for Southern Maryland farmers who had transitioned out of tobacco and into food/drink production. Quickly it morphed into a statewide Buy Local Challenge Week. As it matures, the event is serving as a celebration...

Food hub workshop yields a bountiful crop of ideas

Next to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Wallace Center, Winrock International knows more about food hubs than any other organization in the country. One program of the Center is the National Good Food Network which regularly holds webinars about food hubs. The...

Beginning farmer scales up sustainably, buying and leasing equipment

By Priscilla Wentworth and Greg Bowen The new generation of farmers are resourceful. Our latest case in point is Michael Protas of One Acre Farm in Montgomery County. We learned of his operation because of a farm tour arranged by Future Harvest CASA about Scaling Up...

Charles County Schools to bring local produce into the cafeteria

By Cia Morey, Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission Last week, between thunderstorms here in Southern Maryland, I attended a meeting the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) hosted for local farmers. This was a pre-bid meeting to learn about an...